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Free give-aways

Overwhelmed? Due to a full house, busy schedule, never ending to do list? I have good news: you can do something about it! And I'm happy to help you do it. If you have the time, space and budget to take full advantage of my coaching. But even if that doesn't work out for you right now... Because I truly wish everyone more peace, less stimuli and more time for things other than cleaning up! So far, translating my free give-aways wasn't on my to do list, but feel free to contact me and I'll get right onto it ;-)

Printables to help you organise

Ready to get started rightaway? Whatever organising project you tackle, start with a critical eye... What do you keep? What can go? What belongs in this room and what actually belongs elsewhere? Hang these printables on top of a few large boxes for a smooth organising session. First of all, you immediately make clear piles of what can go where. Secondly but not less important: the critical questions help you in the selection process. I also bring them to all my live organising sessions... So just invite a good and critical friend, and organise your very own "Korte Metten"!

The Mins Game: wanna play?

Are you in for a tough challenge, with a competitive edge to it? Want to give minimalism a chance to achieve a tidier home with less work? Then The Mins Game is right up your alley! The assignment is simple: for one month, you will get rid of stuff every day. On day 1 you will get rid of 1 item, on day 2 you will get rid of 2 items, on day 3 you will get rid of 3 items and so on. You get the idea, right? Mind you, it's a tough challenge, but with this handy cross-off calendar I'll help you on your way:

Monthly inspiration & motivation in your mailbox

Every month I provide a bite-sized chunk of organising inspiration and motivation, straight to your mailbox. What are you waiting for? Subscribe right now! If you want to immerse yourself completely, you can also just read previous newsletters on my blog page (in dutch). Careful: don't keep it at reading, but also get down to it in your own home!

Social media for more regular boosts

Once a month, that's very little right? New habits, that requires regular reminders. And you can get those too, just follow me on Instagram or Facebook!

Free first remote organising support, just for you and your organising issue!

Would you rather have my opinion on your individual organising issue? No problem, just book first free coaching by yourself!!