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"Opzij, opzij, opzij, maak plaats, maak plaats, maak plaats." ("Move aside, out of my way"). This dutch song was the source of inspiration for my company name. Because that's just the way it goes nowadays, isn't it? People rush through life. More often than we would like, more often than not over-stimulated as a result. My promise to you: I'm in no rush. On the contrary, I'll make time for you ánd we'll make room for you. Less stuff, less fuss. In your house and in your life.

Even without a pandemic, overtime at work or sickness in your family, the world seems crazy busy at times, doesn't it? Especially since I became a mom of two temperamental darlings, I feel more and more that it can all become a bit “too much.” And I'm definitely not the only one feeling that way. The amount of stimuli we are exposed to these days is immense. Our homes, where we want to unwind, have become gathering places for more and more and even more stuff.

Bringing simplicity and peace into your environment and life seem more challenging than expected. It requires a switch in mindset, cooperation from housemates, organisational talent, and above all, a creative eye. When you are already overwhelmed, you don't always manage to make those changes or see first steps yourself. And that is why I am here to help, to give a place to your things and your feelings about them.

In my search for more peace and tranquility I discovered minimalism, simplicity, simple living, or whatever you want to call it. For me personally that means:

  • being more aware of what enters my home and my agenda
  • regularly saying goodbye to unnecessary stuff or obligations that eat up my energy
  • surround myself with my favorite items and give them a permanent place

It sounds minimalistic, easy and yes, above all simple, but what a difference! I'd love to share that feeling with you.

As a coach, I'm not going to bombard you with set schedules, direct orders or strict rules. No, I want to gently prod you, with the right questions, powerful support and above all - the best source of motivation - success experiences. In this way we are not only building you a tidy home, but more importantly a different mindset, allowing you to continue to experience that peace.

Let's make room in your home and in your life!

Fed up with the clutter? The arguments with housemates? The search for lost belongings or documents? Don't hesitate, let's make room together for what really matters. Book your appointment right now - whether it's a free initial call or right away getting started in your home.

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