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Enough with the clutter? Arguments with roommates? Searching for lost belongings or documents? Don't hesitate, let's work together and make room for what really matters.

There are several formulas available, from one time “short cuts” to a longer collaboration and guidance. Which formula suits you best? Book your first online coaching free of charge and we'll figure it out together.

1. Organising session at home | Let's make room together

I come to your home for a professional organising session of at least 3 hours. You decide what should go or must be kept, how you prefer to organize your stuff and what feels good to you. This way you can effortlessly keep it that way afterwards. I guide you with the right questions and share useful tips for future cleaning challenges. A longer session or a full day are possible as well.

€195 per session of 3 hours + transportation from Ghent

2. Remote organising support | How you keep it tidy

Do you find it hard to maintain results? Do you keep postponing your to do's? Do you live far from Ghent? I offer organising support via phone/videocall/whatsapp/mail , you choose. Consider me your kick in the butt, organising buddy and source of inspiration. This way, you can reach your goals and do it all by yourself from now on!

€33 per session of 30 minutes

3. All the way | Get into the flow of a tidy home!

Have you really had it with the turmoil in your home, arguments about untraceable items, closets that no longer close? Combine a monthly organising session at home with weekly remote support calls. Difficult spaces, items or routines will be taken care of together during a live tidying session. Then you continue on your own, maintaining structure, accepting new tidying challenges or other customized homework. You can write down all your insights, homework assignments or questions in the notebook you receive as a gift at the start of the program, but you can also send me a whatsapp in between: I'm there for you.

With a program of four, eight or twelve months you ensure yourself of a complete and lasting transformation. Moreover, you can immediately capture your favorite timings in my calendar, enjoy the preferential rate and have my full support, also in between sessions.

€325 per month + travel expenses from Ghent (price on request for the 4, 8 or 12 month program)

4. NEW | Group program "Organising with ADHD"

Do issues like procrastination, laundry backlogs, grumbling housemates and hidden junk rooms sound familiar to you? You are not alone! Half of my coachees are diagnosed with ADHD (or recognise it in themselves), so I've researched how to make my coachings even more activating and accessible to you.

The results you can expect are:

your house breathes tranquility and you can easily locate your stuff

you can manage your to do's and even receive compliments about that from your housemates

last but not least, you can keep up with these nice results with much less effort than before!

With this group program, you will receive assignments and tools to learn to tidy & plan every workday for 10 weeks. The weekend provides time to finish and look back. I don't just teach you about all the pitfalls and tools to clean up in an ADHD-friendly way. No, we build new routines together to suit you. In the private whatsapp group you'll get feedback from me, ánd you meet like-minded people. Pocrastination is nipped in the bud thanks to the interaction with them. In the accompanying one and a half hour master class, Dorien Baele and I will guide you with all possible questions, while you also learn from the questions & solutions of other participants. On top of that, you will receive an hour of personal coaching and in advance you will receive in your mailbox a handy notebook including wonderfully motivating worksheets.

Note: due to the limited number of participants, please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to attend!

€345 for the full program (+ travel expenses from Ghent if you prefer to plan your personal coaching at home)

Your very first step? Book your appointment right now - whether that's getting down to business and book your first session, or rather checking on the phone which type of coaching suits your needs.

My monthy inspiration letter directly in your mailbox? Subscribe now: